Deprecation of JAVA in Chrome 42

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A recent update in Chrome 42 disables the support of java NPAPI which means, in the new update of chrome will not support the java enabled services. NPAPI is a "Netscape nevigator plug in " Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) is a cross-platform plugin architecture used by many web browsers.

It was first developed for Netscape browsers, starting in 1995 with Netscape Navigator 2.0, but was subsequently adopted in Internet Explorer 3 in 1996 and implemented by many other browsers, although some browsers later dropped support.

For stability and security reasons, Google Chrome decided, in 2013, to start phasing out support for NPAPI. As of Chrome version 42, NPAPI is disabled by default and must be re-enabled explicitly. Google intends to remove support entirely in version 45, due in September 2015.

Now, Chrome completely stop supporting the NPAPI , on for its browsers. It effects in various way where it mostly affects the java enables browsers games on specially Pogo games that is a important game of origin. Origin faces a huge numbers of user loss from their subscription and usage drop only due to the Chrome decision, however their user can can use this game using other browsers. 

Deprecation of JAVA in Chrome 42 

The timeline looks like this:
  • January 2015 -- Google removes the whitelist which allows popular plugins to be run currently in the browser. Whitelisted plugins are Silverlight, Unity, Google Earth, Java, Google Talk and Facebook Video. This means that all NPAPI plugins are blocked from running in Chrome from that month onwards.
  • April 2015 -- NPAPI support is disabled in Google Chrome and all browser extensions that require NPAPI plugins will be unpublished from the Chrome Web Store.
  • September 2015 -- The company will disable the override that companies and individuals can use to enable NPAPI plugins.
Google published usage information of popular plugins and all are on the decline. Silverlight usage fell from 15% in September 13 to 11% in October 14. Java dropped from 8.9% to 3.7% and Unity from 9.1% to 1.9%.
Flash is not affected by the move in Chrome as Google is maintaining a custom version of Flash called Pepper Flash that uses a new plugin framework specific to the browser.

But you can still enable NPAPI to your Chrome browser, and enjoy the games

Related Article:- 

How to Enable NPAPI Java with the Google Chrome browser?

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