How to Use WhatsApp without registering a mobile number

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WhatsApp is the most leading app for chatting with the friends with over 1 Billion downloads on the Google play store only. You can use it for  chatting , sharing images, videos, locations audio calls and many more. 

You just need to download this app and provide the number that you want to use for the whatsapp, An you will good to go. After completing this step you can use Whatsapp for free.

But wait, What if we can use the Whatsapp without registering any number .? I'm really excited about the same. I have discovered some cool trick for you that how can use whatsapp without registering any number, ? So, I gonna share it with you guys. Have a look and enjoy-

Follow the instruction to use the WhatsApp without registering any  number-

  1. First Step is to Uninstall Whatsapp from your Device.
  2. Reinstall it from Google Play Store.
  3. Put your mobile on Airplane Mode. We do so to stop whatsapp from verifying your number.
  4. Now open Whatsapp and fill in any number. Whatsapp will try to verify your number.
  5. When whatsapp will not able to verify your number. It will ask you for alternative methods to verify your number. Click on Verify through SMS and then provide your email address.
  6. Now Click on Send and then instantly click on Cancel to stop the authentication process.
  7. Now you need to Install another app, Spoof text message which we will use to spoof the text message. This app will ask for details. Enter this information.
TO: +4479112347295
FROM: Mobile number
Message: Your E-mail Address

  1. Wait for a few seconds and you are good to go.

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