How to shut down a pc that on your network, remotely

20:22:00 0 Comments A+ a-

 This is a very short and very useful trick, if you have two or more computer at your home and you want to manage them remotely.

It is not a very difficult task to do and require you to be very genius  in computer knowledge. It just require some basic knowledge about the computer that helps you to follow these Steps

First of all you need to open your command prompt in your computer, to do so you need to just presss your start button that is in your task bar.

Type CMD and hit enter, your command prompt will be open.

Now in the command prompt window, type "net view" then hit enter.

Now, you will see the list of connected computer in your network, now remember the name of the computer that you want to turn off.

After that, just type "shutdown -m \\nameofpc (For example, shutdown -m \\Home-PC) " and hit enter.

That’s it! You are done! Now, your targeted computer will be shutdown.

So, this was all about how to remote shutdown a computer on your network. I hope that now you will be able to remotely shutdown a computer on your network connection without any sort of problems. If you have any type of queries regarding this tutorial then do let us know, we will try our best to resolve them. While in the meantime, if you’d like this tutorial then don’t forget to share this with your friends and social circles too.